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VS pre 2020

This is the website for Vinyl Sodomy (also known in polite circles as V.S.) The show started on Sydney community radio in the late 19th century, when three people recently released from prison (on trumped up charges of course) decided to spread the music of the streets they had learnt in jail to a wider, less traumatised audience. Since 2003 the show has been in a form of hiatus. Legal injunctions prevent us from discussing the circumstances and the specifics. Suffice to say neither us or the chipmunks involved have been able to walk straight since. The show is brought to you by three of the leading exponents of the ancient DJ arts. DJ Kurac is our moral heart. He loves all things. DJ SCSI was our tragic attempt to appeal to the baser elements of society. She belched, she did funny voices, she occassionaly chose a song. She is no longer part of the troika. She has been replaced by a DJ yet to be named. Stay tuned for the announcement. DJ Ringfinger works the wheels, picks the wrong songs and generally makes shit up.


It’s when you take a 12″ record and shove it in your…oh, you mean the show? Vinyl Sodomy is a radio program dedicated to all that is not commercial, the same, the norm, the average. Where else would you hear Johnny Cash played right next to Dr Octagon?

Are you guys some form of …ist?

No. This show is in JEST. It is meant to be funny. Like most things in life. Like the size of my butt. F. U. N. N. Y. If you take offence, put it back because the animals might get out.

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